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2015 Residential Architect Design Awards


New Regular Entry Deadline: Friday, February 27, 2015
New Late Entry Dealine:  Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Click here to enter

Registration Guidelines
The Residential Architect Design Awards (RADA) recognize outstanding work in advancing residential design. Judging will take place in March 2015. Winning entries will be notified in April 2015, and published in Residential Architect.

RADA has moved to a completely digital format for the first time! This new process will save you hours of work and reams of paper. Please use either Chrome or Firefox as your browser when registering and completing the forms.

Entries should be submitted by an architect or designer. Other building industry professionals may submit projects on behalf of an architect or designer. Projects outside the U.S. are welcomed. Any home or project completed after Jan. 1, 2011, is eligible.

Standard Entry Categories ($125)

  1. Custom Home / 3,000 Square Feet or Less
  2. Custom Home / More Than 3,000 Square Feet
  3. Renovation (residential remodeling and additions) / Adaptive Reuse
  4. Restoration / Preservation
  5. Multifamily Housing
  6. Affordable Housing
  7. Architectural Interiors (build-outs, interior renovations)
  8. Student Housing
  9. Outbuilding
  10. On the Boards (any unbuilt residential project not yet completed)

Specialty Entry Categories ($95)

  1. Kitchen
  2. Bath
  3. Architectural Design Detail

Individual projects should be submitted in only one Standard Entry Category. Projects may be submitted to a Standard Entry Category and one or more Specialty Entry Categories

Important Dates
Friday, February 27, 2015 → Submission deadline for standard entries
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 → Submission deadline for late entries (will include late fee of $50.00 per late entry)

$125 → Standard Category Entry
$95 → Specialty Category Entry

Please Note: You will be charged a $50 late fee per entry for any materials submitted after February 27, 2015. All late entry materials must be received by March 4, 2015.

No refunds will be issued.
All materials submitted to the 2014 Residential Architect Design Awards program become the property of Residential Architect, which will not be responsible or liable for them. Entry fees are non-refundable.

How to prepare your entry
This year’s awards have gone completely digital! No more hard copies. No more binder clips. No more DVDs. You can register, complete your entry forms, and upload your entry materials (including images, drawings, and plans) by submitting everything through this website in a two-step process.

STEP ONE:  Register your project and pay entry fees.
STEP TWO:  Fill out online entry forms and upload your entry materials, as outlined below. You may also return to this website to add to or modify your entry at a later date.

Entry Materials:
Your entry will consist of an online entry form and supporting documents that can be uploaded to this website.
The online entry form will ask for the following:

  • Entrant Information (contact details for the person preparing the entry)
  • Firm Information (contact details for the firm responsible for the project)
  • Client Information (contact details and client description)
  • Project Information (including description, site and zoning constraints, square footage, etc.)

After filling out this information, you will have an opportunity to upload supporting documents for your entry. Files can be .jpg images or Microsoft Word .doc files. You can upload up to 20 files. Please limit your uploaded materials to a TOTAL of 20 MB.

These supporting documents must include:

  • Photographs of the completed project in .jpg format
  • Site plan, floor plans, and sections in .jpg format

Optional documents include:

  • Energy modeling diagrams, drawings, and model photos., in jpg format
  • Performance qualifications and diagrams, in Word .doc or .jpg format
  • Videos in .mp4 format

Rules and Regulations

WHO CAN ENTER  Entries should be submitted by an architect or designer. Other building industry professionals may submit projects on behalf of an architect or designer. Projects outside the U.S. are welcomed. Any home or project completed after Jan. 1, 2011, is eligible.

PUBLICATION  Winners will be featured in Residential Architect with expanded coverage online at residentialarchitect.com.

ENTRY CATEGORIES  During the submission process, you will be asked to identify each submission by type (see categories above). Only one category may be selected per submission, and each project may only be entered in one Standard Entry Category. Projects entered in Standard Entry Categories may also be entered in Specialty Entry Categories.

PROCESS DOCUMENTATION  Entries should document the design process, as well as its result. Photographs of the completed project and floor plans are required. Sections and detail drawings are optional. Please include information on software, hardware, and hand media employed. Residential Architect encourages entrants to include copies of preliminary sketches, alternative preliminary schemes, information on context, precedents for the design, and excerpts from working drawings, all of which should be submitted in .jpg or Word .doc format.

PROJECT RESEARCH  Include records of any research performed in support of the project.

ANONYMITY  To maintain anonymity in judging, no names of entrants or collaborating parties may appear on any submission materials except where specifically requested on the online entry forms. Do not, however, conceal the identity or location of projects. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in immediate disqualification; Residential Architect will not adjust any submission to make it comply with this rule.

ENTRY FORMS  Each submission must be registered online ahead of the submission deadline using this website. Additional materials must also be uploaded to the website prior to the submission deadline.

PUBLISHING RIGHTS  All materials submitted to the 2015 Residential Architect Design Awards program become the property of Residential Architect. Residential Architect retains the right to consider all non-winning entries for future publication, but entrants will be notified beforehand. Keep a copy of all entry materials for your records. Note that awards are left up to the judges’ discretion: An award may not be granted in each category.

REGULAR ENTRY  Regular entries must be registered and submitted online by February 20, 2015. The fee is $125 for submissions in Standard Entry Categories and $95 for submissions in Specialty Entry Categories, as outlined above. Entry fees must be paid online by credit card, and are nonrefundable.

OPTIONAL LATE ENTRY  For an additional $50 fee per submission, late entries may be submitted by March 4, 2015. Fees must be paid online by credit card. Late fees also apply to First Time Entrants. Please note that entrants registering after the regular deadline of February 27 will have the $50 late fee automatically included. Late fees are also nonrefundable.

QUESTIONS  For assistance, e-mail RADA@hanleywood.com.

Click here to enter